Projects by Taeluf
pHtml - Dom Document
Easy-to-use DOMDocument extension let's you parse and traverse html with very few headaches. Allows PHP within the document.
Code Scrawl
Generate documentation for code in multiple languages.
Json To MySql
Convert huge JSON files into chunked MySQL files. Auto-schema generation (customizable). Uses very little RAM
Spreadsheet To Db
Converts .ods files into .csv, .json, .sql, and creates an .sqlite database
Better Regex
Write Multi-line regex with comments, special functions, and reference lookup.
Markdown To PDF
Convert Markdown files to PDF & Html from the cli. Very simple.
A unit-testing library for PHP that outputs HTML for easy viewing of test results. Less robust than PHP Unit, but lower learning curve. Good for those new to testing.
Build full GUI framework/cms-agnostic PHP applications. Many apps will require zero configuration and zero routing code. And build full websites.
User Login
A User Login system built with Liaison, portable to non-liaison sites.
Big Db
A feature-rich, somewhat minimalist database layer for php with ORM, migrations, stored sql statements
Git Bent
No nonsense git cli library with guided prompts & commands
Connect JS classes to html nodes with contextual relationships between objects
WIP: Browse documentation or source code for multiple branches of your git-hosted project. Webhook support built-in.
Cli Framework
A bash cli framework for building easy-to-use command line libraries.
Convenience bash utilities that i use. Some may be generally helpful. Others are very specific to my setup. It's for me, but you can use it.
Common Utils
No description found for 'Common Utils'
Kitchen Sink
No description found for 'Kitchen Sink'
Md Blog
No description found for 'Md Blog'
No description found for 'SeoExtractor'
Change Default Git Branch
No description found for 'Change Default Git Branch'
Gamepedia Search
No description found for 'Gamepedia Search'
No description found for 'Kanboard-Essentials'
Prototypes and old code across various languages
A declarative lexer seamlessly hooking into php functions, building ASTs for multiple languages.
A simple PDO wrapper with convenience methods for common SQL verbs like insert, update, delete, select
Phad. Php Html Api Database
WIP: Links together html with a database & provides helper classes for handling modals & submission, both in javascript & PHP
PHP Environment
Seamlessly switch between localhost, staging, and production, with different configs & PHP code between environments.
RDB RedBean PHP Wrapper
RedbeanPHP extension. Customize beans with extra (unstored) properties. Clear error messages. Other quality-of-life improvements.
R("a.key") to retrieve a saved value.
A php powered server using Liaison, Phad, and other stuff. To get started quickly.
Simple Cli Framework
a simple cli interface for building cli apps in php