LilDB Dev status

Apr 23, 2023

bunch of work on bigdb & bigorm. Some new methods. Some bugfixes. Some api changes.

I need to integrate the optional access layers, add tests, and probably add an onWillSave(), and maybe other triggers on the orm objects.

It's actually kind of functional now.

March 16, 2023

fixed bigdb->exec() so multiquery works started access layer & test for it disabled tests that had no conditions defined for passing made the multiexec test actually pass figured out why scrawl documentation is not generating correctly for BigDb. It's because of a variable named $namespace inside a method's arglist. I couldn't fix the bug, idk, that's a problem for the lexer & code scrawl.

March 12, 2023

I benchmarked using ArrayObject to hold a bunch of objects instead of an array, for, like, returning from query() or many(). The cost is negligible & it's okay to use ArrayObject, unless I expect 10,000 iterations of creating array lists with 200 objects in each, which would cost about 8ms more than just using arrays.

Though, it is questionable if I should make the lists the default, or if I should leave that up to the caller of query/many etc.

Features Added

  • bigdb->many()
  • bigorm->property_related() now stores the related object on $_prop_name and is (still) accessed via $prop->name. This allows for an orm class to rely on its own magic __get() as well as change the access level of the prop.

Began testing many() made build_database() in the test class & turned testBuildDatabase into a real test added testMultiQuery because I can't get multi-query to work through lilsql.

March 11, 2023

  • started BigDb class, added load(query.key, class_basename) & load_queries(dir, namespace). Added testIdk to start working on it. I'll want a new Orm class. I like LilOrm kinda, but I want something differnt for BigDb/BigOrm

I added execution, refactored the test class a little bit, and added queries to create an article table & to insert test rows Files:

  • code/BigDb - central class putting it all together
  • test/run/BigDb.php test class
  • test/input/bigdb-sql/Article.php - Orm object
  • test/input/bigdb-sql/articles.sql - sql queries
  • test/input/bigdb-sql/dv.queries - serialized copy of queries
  • code/BigOrm - the orm class to extend from

Features added:

  • $orm_obj->prop will try getProp() then property_related($prop)
  • magic related lazy loading by setting ClassName $related_item and int $related_item_id properties.

march 1, 2022

  • started LilMigrations class for fun


  • Test it
  • add features
  • document it better


While the tests don't have any programmed pass/fail conditions, they are working as intended, from a visual inspection. I have not written sql in main.sql or update.sql, but both create.sql & delete.sql are loading as expected when running pt LilSql, which loads a file & serializes it before unserializing & outputting the results

TODO (LilSql):

  • clean up commented out code
  • make the tests ACTUALLY PASS
  • test exception when multiple queries of the same name
  • document LilSql properly (write a test method & copy the method contents into the readme file)

Other TODO

  • add docs recommending pdo errmode exception for lildb
  • at top-ish of readme, write overview of what this lib is/does (what each Lil class does)
  • write proper documentation of LilDb & LilMigrations w/ examples (copied from test methods)


code scrawl isn't working ... because of the lexer issues ... so basically just don't run code scrawl


  • Write some really brief, simple tests


  • Updated code scrawl with a classMethod template & implemented it in the readme
  • Define the methods I'd like to implement
  • Iterate over each, document, & implement