
  • allow configuration of the prefix regex
  • Class property to auto-merge with built-in prefixes
    • As an alternative to overriding getApiPrefixes()
  • Document how to use prefixFor()


  • Document the route object


  • Config to set a namespace for all views of a given package
  • perhaps $lia should be a required paramater, not hidden in an array
  • Add an init + template approach like view/Blog/template.php and view/Blog/init.php
  • Add automatic routing via the view system (which is more robust and neat than simple public-files), such as with a public-view dir
    • a ` might be a valid option, but that seems more like an extension feature than a core feature
  • Document what paramaters are always available to views
  • Document an example of a view file's code (such as the example blog.php view)
  • For sibling resource files (view/blog.php, view/blog.css, view/blog.js), resources() returns '.js' and '.css' for the resource files.
    • Maybe they should have real names? But the current setup prevents conflicts between view/blog.css and view/blog/blog.css
  • Document resources() function & returned array


The View Object

  • Each package can implement their own view object and method of handling data. The following docs regard \Lia\View, used in the base package.
  • Generally, retrieve a view through liaison or the ViewHandler component.
    • You may also do new \Lia\View($viewPath,$data,$liaisonObject,$viewName=null), such as if you're creating your own package implementation.
  • Data passed in (through lia OR the constructor) will be extract()ed
  • The content is loaded in the constructor
  • Resources are loaded into liaison during the constructor. So you just call $lia->view($viewName), if all you want is to use the associated css & javascript resources. Display your view with echo $view

View Structure

We have a view named "Form/Blog" at view/Form/Blog/. All your views go in the view directory and the path to the relative path to the view is it's name.

 - init.php: (optional) code to run before the template
 - template.php: (recommended) The PHP file to load, this is your html layout for the most part
     - template.php & init.php are in the scope of the \Lia\View object that loads the files. Therefore, `$this` refers to the view object
     - $lia, the Liaison object, is also available
     - Uninentionally, $viewPath, $data, $viewName, & $path are available, but you should not rely on them. They will likely be removed.
 - template.html: If a template.php file is not present, then template.html will be used.
 - css/ (optional)
     - BlogEditorStyle.css
 - js/ (optional)
     - BlogAutosaver.js

You don't actually have to have a template. css & js resources will still load

Every css file in the css dir will be found and added to liaison through the Red_AddStyleFile event, which passes the absolute file path along to the event. Same for js, but Res_AddScriptFile.


@TODO add check to see if a callable is actually callable @TODO setup read-only properties


Fancy closures enable binding of paramaters to a callable and inspection of callables, whether as ['\\StaticClass','functionName'], [$object, 'methodName'], or $anonymousFunction = function(){}. Example:

$cat = new \Funny\Cat();
$loudness = 7;
$closure = new \Lia\Utility\FancyClosure([$cat, 'purr'], [$loudness]);
$closure->funcName === 'purr';
$closure->object === $cat;
$closure->class === 'Funny\\Cat'; //it prints with a single slash, but backslashes are generally better off being escaped in my experience
$closure->isStatic === false; // would be true if using ['Funny\Cat', 'purr'] instead of [$cat, 'purr']
$closure->isAnonymous === false; // would be true for function(){echo 'Kindness can be anonymous too.';}
$closure->function === null; // would be the anonymous function, if you had passed a function instead of an `[$obj, 'funcName']` callable

$closure->origCallable === [$cat, 'purr']; //just the first arg you pass to the constructor
$closure->bound === [$loudness]; // and this is the 2nd arg


  • Figure out how to do error handling...


Maybe not so difficult

  • Use config for default site title
  • move SEO code into it's own component
  • Auto-add charset=utf8 & viewport meta tags (with config to disable)
  • Add url prefix for compiled files as a config option

Maybe not so simple

  • Consider using custom routes instead of storing files in a cache-public dir
  • jsFiles & cssFiles arrays have the full file path as their key & value. Add ability to name the paths. This will improve dev experience when sorting a list of scripts/stylesheets
  • Improve sorting
    • add sort preference to addResourceFile($file). A Liaison extension that adds a JS framework would use this to ensure it's framework file is always the first thing.
      • Without this, the sort burden is on the developer who is integrating the Liaison extension.
    • Add a simple function for setting sort preferences, like $lia->showFirst('*autowire.js'); or something
  • Consider other methods of routing that might improve performance...
  • add all seo meta properties that are available...
  • Separate large files from the block of compiled code.
    • If i'm using a, say, 50KB or larger JS file on 10 different pages, but each of those pages has a couple different small JS files for their individual components, it's probably better to cache the 50KB file on its own
  • Minify js & css


The patterns apply both for the public dir and by adding routes via $lia->addRoute(). The file extension (for .php) is removed prior to calling parsePattern()


  • /blog/{category}/{post} is valid for url /blog/black-lives/matter
  • /blog/{category}.{post}/ is valid for url /blog/
  • /blog/{category}{post}/ is valid for url /blog/{category}{post}/ and has NO dynamic paramaters
  • /blog/{category}/@GET.{post}/ is valid for GET /blog/kindness/is-awesome/ but not for POST request
  • /@POST.dir/sub/@GET.file/ is valid for both POST /dir/sub/file/ and GET /dir/sub/file/


  • We do not currently check the name of the method, just @ABCDEF for length 3-7
  • These must appear after a / or after another '@METHOD.' or they will be taken literally
  • lower case is not valid
  • Each method MUST be followed by a period (.)


  • {under_scoreCamel} specifies a named, dynamic paramater
  • {param} must be surrounded by path delimiters (/) OR periods (.) which will be literal characters in the url
  • {param} MAY be at the end of a pattern with no trailing delimiter


  • {paramName:regex} would specify a dynamic portion of a url that MUST match the given regex.
    • Not currently implemented
  • {?param} would specify a paramater that is optional
    • Not currently implemented