
Build full GUI framework/cms-agnostic PHP applications. Many apps will require zero configuration and zero routing code. And build full websites.

Status: Unstable, Nearing stability, Docs are bad


A minimal project only needs a public dir. If it's a website (instead of an App), you'll need a .htaccess and a deliver.php to run Liaison.

Some of these details will change as development continues, but the overall idea will remain consistent.

Sample Application

If this were truly a "blog" app, most of the public files would not be there, but I wanted to show the scope.

    - config.json - Usually not needed  
    - class/ - General classes which get autoloaded  
        - BlogPost.php   
    - core/ - Liaison components  
        - Blog.php - Handles creating / editing of blog posts and sitemap generation.   
    - public/ -   
        - index.php - delivers at `/`  
        - - delivers at `/about/` (requires CommonMark)  
        - image.png - delivers at `/image.png` (directories are cool, too)  
        - contact-us.php - `/contact-us/`, has a <form>  
        - - `/contact-us/` accepts the <form> submission  
        - blog/  
            - {slug}.php - `/blog/the-slug/` script to show your blog posts for the given slug   
    - view/  
        - blog.php - `echo $lia->view('blog');`  
        - blog.css - auto-included when 'blog' view is displayed  
        - blog.js - same as the .css  
        - blog/ - css & js files will also be included automatically  
            - extra.css  
            - extra.js  


class Blog extends \Lia\Compo {  
    // You can have multiple sitemapWhateverName(){} functions  
    // static `public/` files will be auto-included in your sitemap  
    public function sitemapBlogPosts(){  
        //... Haven't figured out this feature yet  
    public function routePatternBlogSubmit(){  
        // More likely, your blog posts would use a function like this and submission would use a public file.  
        // so I'll update this later...  


$blogPost = BlogPost::getPost($slug);  
echo $lia->view('blog',['post'=>$blogPost]);  



Executing Liaison on your site

$lia = new \Liaison();  
$package = new \Lia\Package($lia, __DIR__.'/code/'); //or wherever your Liaison project is  