Liaison Web Server

A Liaison web server is typically starts with a Liaison App for the website's theme, public files, configs, core features, and views. Then third-party apps and additional apps of your own can be added to create well-organized website features.

Also See:

  • Libraries Documentation - How to build apps: Details on routing, views, hooks, and more.
  • Integration - Integrate a Liaison app into another webserver (such as wordpress, laravel, or a diy setup)

Through these examples, we'll build a fully functional Liaison website.

Sections of this document

  • Directory Structure
  • deliver.php
  • Site app
    • Theme
    • Configuration site/config.json
  • Environment settings
  • Static Files
  • File Uploads
  • Debugging
  • Database Setup (PDO)

Web Server Directory Structure

This is a sample structure, and you're welcome to use your own.

    - .env/ <- Your environment configs  
    - .htaccess <- Used by apache to route to your deliver.php  
    - composer.json   
    - deliver.php <- Every request is routed through this file  
    - site/ <- Your primary Liaison app, with your theme & core pages & features.  
        - config.json   
        - public/index.php <- your home page  
    - apps/ <- Additional apps you develop, to organize different features of your website  
    - deliver/ <- Optional directory to organize different aspects of your setup  


This script sets up your webserver & delivers a response.


  • Apps are setup by the Package class. (eventually, we'll add an App class)
  • Most features are created through Addons.
  • Lia\Package\Server extends Lia\Package and initializes routes, views, cache, and more, by calling addons within the built-in app.
$lia = new \Lia();  
// Add the built-in App, which provides all the web-server features.  
$server_app = new \Lia\Package\Server($lia, $fqn='lia:server');  // dir & base_url not required  
// Add your app, providing home page & other core pages & features  
$site_app = new \Lia\Package\Server($lia, 'myname:site', $app_dir = __DIR__.'/site/', ?$base_url = '/');  
// delivers files in `site/public/*`   

Site app

Typically, the Site app is your core application which provides a theme, webserver configuration, public routes, a cache dir, and hooks.

Most features are covered in Libraries Documentation, so we limit this section to webserver-related needs.


A theme is the site's base layout and styles. Multiple themes can be setup, then switched out at runtime.

A basic theme:

    // $header = $lia->view('theme/header'); Optional way to better sort your code.  
    // $footer = $lia->view('theme/footer);  
<!DOCTYPE html>  
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />  
        <meta charset="utf-8"  />  
        <meta http-equiv='content-language' content='en' />  
            <?php // echo $header; # We'll use this later ?>  
            <div class="content">  
            <?php // echo $footer; # We'll use this later ?>  


  • getHeadHtml() will print a link to your (compiled) stylesheets & scripts, plus SEO information you've added.
  • the view() calls for header/footer MUST come before getHeadHtml(), so the stylesheets & scripts will be included in the <head>
  • Var $content is passed to your theme. This comes from your route, and could have been modified by hooks.

Configuration - site/config.json

TODO - I swear you need configs, but I can't figure out what they are!

Some apps will require configs, and those should go in site/config.json, typically.

Environment Settings

Liaison does not have native support for environment settings, but these are useful for database setup, at the very least.


Static Files

Static files can be delivered simply by checking if __DIR__.$url is a file & delivering it, then exiting. For more information, see Lia\FastFileRouter.

/** `require` a php file based on the url. Url `/some_file` will deliver `api/some_file.php`. `..` is removed to prevent path traversal.  
* @param $dir the directory the files are in  
* @param $args array to `extract()` and make values available to your PHP sript.  
\Lia\FastFileRouter::php($dir = __DIR__.'/api/',$args = []);  
// Send a static file for the url. `/some_file.jpeg` will deliver `file/some_file.jpeg`.   
// `..` is removed to prevent path traversal.  
// `.php` files are not delivered.  

File Uploads

TODO - not natively supported ....

Use something else for file uploads, store them in a directory, and use the static files instructions above to deliver them, if that's the intent.


Liaison has a dump debugger that doesn't expand objects, thus preventing memory crashes. It will also print all of its addons, routes, methods, properties, packages (apps), and prefixes.

// Print details about your liaison instance  
// print details about any value  
// print the properties of an opject  

Database Setup (PDO)

There is no native database support, but this covers a typical setup using shared properties (Lia::get() & Lia::set()). You can use any database layer you like, but I recommend taeluf/big-db, if not using raw \PDO.

Update .env/secret.json with your database settings: (add .env/ to your .gitignore)

    "": "localhost",  
    "mysql.dbname": "my_database",  
    "mysql.user": "user_name",  
    "mysql.password": "Super Secure Password"  

Update deliver.php with a PDO instance:

<?php # require vendor  
$lia = new \Lia();  
// load environment settings & initialize PDO  
$env = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/.env/secret.json'), true);  
$pdo = new \PDO('mysql:dbname='.$settings['mysql.dbname'].';host='.$settings[''],  
// set on liaison  
$lia->set('pdo', $pdo);  
// $pdo = $lia->get('pdo'); # any code that has access to `$lia` can get the pdo instance.  
# add apps and deliver()  

Databse layers to consider

I love my big-db library, and really enjoyed Redbean when I used it in the past. I haven't tried nette, medoo, or cake. There are many other options too. Also, PDO on its own is pretty great.