Get Files recursively in PHP
RecursiveDirectoryIterator to get all files
This implementation also sorts by extension if you switch the $files[] = ...
line to the commented one
$rii = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('path/to/folder'));
$files = [];
foreach ($rii as $file) {
if ($file->isDir()){
//$files[$file->getExtension()][] = $file->getPathname();
$files[] = $file->getPathname();
One-liner function as a variable, with readdir
I need to re-test & confirm this function works properly.
Here's a one-liner that declares nothing in the global scope, thus will not conflict with any functions or classes you have.
The readdir
approach could be a problem with significantly nested directories where too many file pointers get opened. scandir
would resolve this.
$files =
(new class{
function getFiles($path,$ext='*'){
$dh = opendir($path);
$files = [];
while ($file = readdir($dh)){
if ($file=='.'||$file=='..')continue;
$fPath = str_replace('//','/',$path.'/'.$file);
if (is_dir($fPath)){
$subFiles = $this->getFiles($fPath,$ext);
$files = array_merge($files,$subFiles);
} else if ($ext=='*'
$files[] = $fPath;
return $files;
And as a single line, provided you declare $dir
and $ext
$files = (new class{ function getFiles($path,$ext='*'){ $dh = opendir($path); $files = []; while ($file = readdir($dh)){ if ($file=='.'||$file=='..')continue; $fPath = str_replace('//','/',$path.'/'.$file); if (is_dir($fPath)){ $subFiles = $this->getFiles($fPath,$ext); $files = array_merge($files,$subFiles); } else if ($ext=='*' ||($fExt=pathinfo($fPath,PATHINFO_EXTENSION))==$ext){ var_dump($fExt); $files[] = $fPath; } } return $files; } })->getFiles($dir,$ext);