Get a PHP fully qualified class name from a file
Unfortunately, there is no ReflectionFile
class, so you either have to assume the class name is the same as the file name, or you can tokenize the file & parse it for the class name.
You may also want to get traits. You can do that by modifying the if ($tokens[$i][0] === T_CLASS)
line to use $tokens[$i][0] === T_CLASS || $tokens[$i][0] === T_TRAIT
. I think the same works for T_INTERFACE
, but I haven't confirmed.
Then you simply call $fullyQualifiedClassName = getClassFromFile($theFilePath);
function getClassFromFile($file){
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
$class = $namespace = $buffer = '';
$i = 0;
while (!$class) {
if (feof($fp)) break;
$buffer .= fread($fp, 512);
$tokens = token_get_all($buffer);
$err = ob_get_clean();
// if (true&&strlen($err)>0){
// echo $buffer;
// echo $err."\n";
// echo $class."\n";
// echo "\n".$file;
// print_r($tokens);
// }
if (strpos($buffer, '{') === false) continue;
for (;$i<count($tokens);$i++) {
if ($tokens[$i][0] === T_NAMESPACE) {
for ($j=$i+1;$j<count($tokens); $j++) {
if ($tokens[$j][0] === T_STRING) {
$namespace .= '\\'.$tokens[$j][1];
} else if ($tokens[$j] === '{' || $tokens[$j] === ';') {
if ($tokens[$i][0] === T_CLASS) {
for ($j=$i+1;$j<count($tokens);$j++) {
if ($tokens[$j] === '{') {
$class = $tokens[$i+2][1];
if ($class=='')return '';
return $namespace.'\\'.$class;