Welcome to my Article
You might be asking "Where is the kitchen sink?". Confused because you wanted to do some remodeling, but then you're looking at this silly page instead. Well, a "kitchen sink" page is used to display extremely common and highly-used html elements on a website. I don't know where the term comes from & I don't care. I heard it during a tutorial. So here we go.
The last paragraph has no(<b>) internal html elements. This one has several inline elements(<strong>)
Paragraph containing <q>, <abbr>, and <cite>
The last paragraph was a simple one with no internal html elements. This paragraph contains quotation elements
(<q>), TBAE(<abbr title="...">), a cite element added by Reed Sutman (<cite>), a bdo element to do right-to-left text.
Blockquote no <br>
This is a blockquote, which I am PRETTY sure is supposed to be it's own element & not in a <p> This is the 2nd line of the blockquote. And the third line. But They all display on the same line.
Blockquote with <br>
This block quote contains <br> between lines
So they are always separated, regardless of word-wrap & white-space styling
It's up to you how you style your site.
I will probably not require
inside my blockquotes, but idk!
Post Horizontal Rule
Horizontal rules can be nice for organizing content. Let's have an image.